Monday, 26 March 2012

The Red Lion & Pineapple

This is the pub by my new house. It is called The Red Lion & Pineapple. I just thought I would share as it's such an amazingly random name. I've only gone once so far but maybe there is some sort of story behind this, I don't know...

I applied for what seems like a billion jobs online today. It's tough because I want my schedule to be flexible enough to allow for travelling and I definitely don't want to miss out on opportunities because of being too tied down to a job, but I also don't want a job that's too crappy so it's a tough balance to strike. We'll see how the hunt goes as time goes on, it's still very early in the game.

Tomorrow I am going to visit Westminster Abbey which is exciting as I haven't really seen too many of the sights yet and I should be taking advantage of all this time on my hands!
I also joined the gym right by my house tonight (it's literally a 2 minute walk which is so convenient). I am doing a one month trial and then we'll see how it goes from there.
Off to bed for me for now - I seem to be constantly exhausted in London and am hoping that sooner or later my sleep schedule will even itself out.

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