Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Plot Thickens...

Indeed the plot has thickened. Which usually means things have gotten more intense (!) or more layers have been revealed to the storyline. Both are true in this case, I believe.

Long story short my flatmates are ending the tenancy on the 9th June now, which means I have less than 3 weeks to find a new abode here in London. Just for fun, I'm also going to be out of the city for 6 of those days (having an awesome adventure with my sister in Norway) and won't be here to view places, etc.

My reaction to this situation: Suck it, London.

Never fear, though, as I have been driven by the panic of my potential homelessness (which I realize is not truly a legitimate possibility but is still frightening) to go to viewings already last night and will hopefully be putting a place down on a deposit tomorrow. Where I will stay. Hopefully for longer than a few weeks, haha. Will keep updating as to how/whether this all works out or not...though the prospect of moving all my stuff is not desirable, I'd rather have it over and done with as soon as possible so that I can carry on with more fun times and adventures.

The next big adventure is a trip to Norway this weekend with my sister Nicole. She has advised me to bring mitts and a hat; I brought neither of those things with me, so we will see how that goes.

In the meantime I will be appreciating any good house-getting vibes that are sent over here. They may come in handy in the next little while.


  1. My brother is in Oslo! If you want a to hear a friendly canadian voice, or need any info about Norway let me know, I can get you in touch with him.

    1. Thanks Laura! I actually didn't spend any time in Oslo at all during this trip - we were up north the whole time. I do really want to visit Oslo someday though...so maybe in the future!
