I did not drink any champagne on my birthday, but it was a good one anyway. I enjoyed my day at work, even though I was at work. Everyone knows you only have to work half as hard on your birthday anyways and besides there was cake at the end of the day, so all in all that was pretty excellent.
A group of us went out for some yummy Lebanese food for dinner (falafel, hummous etc) and then made our way into Central London to get some drinks.
A brief interlude on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral was definitely a pretty awesome moment, and then we walked across the bridge to Shakespeare's Globe theatre who had conveniently scheduled a midnight showing of As You Like It on my birthday!
The show itself was awesome - I have had amazing experiences at the Globe both times so far and I only hope to see more. It was a perfectly warm summer night, which is pretty magical for London. What could have been a shivering uncomfortable experience was downright balmy instead.
Our car brought us safely back to West London at the sensible hour of 3:30 am, at which point I proceeded to putz around in my room for another half hour or so. Cue exhaustion for the rest of the weekend!
But seriously it was a pretty stellar birthday all things considered, except possibly for the fact that I was not with my family back in Canada. BUT I received several cards and many well-wishes, which always make a person feel good.
This year has certainly started on a high - me, living the dream in London and doing things that I set out to do. I can feel myself being pulled forward in some sort of timewarp to more adventures and other goals as I know that 2013 will almost certainly bring only more change and transition. But for the time being and on my birthday the goal was and is to Be Here Now.
So thank you to everyone for all the birthday love, which I intend to try and carry with me into the brisk autumn air of London.
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