Sunday, 28 October 2012

Activities Galore

I said farewell to the rents last night for a couple of weeks as they ended their European adventure and departed early this morning back to Canada. It was very nice to see them and we all got to have some really grand adventures together, which doesn't happen every day, that's for sure.
My mom really loved all the culture and historical sights everywhere, and there was always an interesting fact or two for my dad to learn about each place that we visited. It's hard to tell which over-crowded tourist trap he hated more: the M & M's store in Leicester square or Harrods. Each frightening in its own right and filled with hundreds of people milling about aimlessly.
We got to see some shows together which was awesome. My dad definitely favored the music shows: Let It Be for The Beatles and Thriller, Live!, the tribute show to Michael Jackson. Everyone agreed that War Horse was one of the most phenomenal shows we have ever seen. Simply watching them bring the horses to life on stage is incredible, let alone the story and music of the show. We ate out just one or two dad said it was the last time they were eating out until 2014, so we'll see how that turns out.
We took a bunch of trains and stayed in hotels and B and B's, and my dad even got his fill of pubs by the end of the trip! I sampled what is possibly the worst beer in London (dare I say the world?). I guess the name "Fursty Ferret Ale" should have tipped us off...
But all around it was a great visit with lots of memories to look back on. The compression of so many new experiences and adventures in a short time is always a lot to take in, whether it be 2 weeks or 9 months. I'm sure we all will need some time to absorb it once we get home. Having my parents here was a reminder of home and how much is waiting there for me when I go back. Don't get me wrong, I love adventuring and London, but there is a part of me that cannot wait to lay on the couch with Harley the greyhound, doing absolutely nothing.
So, Harl, keep the sofa warm for me because in about 6 weeks or so it's gonna be you and me counting the zzz's buddy!

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